Quienes somos
Somos un grupo formado por profesionales interdisciplinarios, jóvenes, dinámicos y
en constante crecimiento, dedicados a diferenciarnos en el complejo mundo del fútbol
Contamos con un grupo de expertos en las distintas áreas del negocio, relaciones públicas,
negociación, administración financiera, legales, con más de 10 años de experiencia y la ética
profesional como principal valor.
Por qué elegirnos
Logramos el mejor crecimiento de nuestros jugadores representados, en base a sus intereses
profesionales y familiares.
Construimos relaciones duraderas como intermediarios de clubes y jugadores, basándonos
en la transparencia de la negociación y en la amplia red de contactos logrados en el tiempo.
Nos diferenciamos en el profesionalismo, el trato humano, la dedicación, la experiencia y la
intachable trayectoria dentro del mercado.
Agente Oficial AFA/FIFA que asegura el respaldo en la firma de contratos y negociaciones.
About Us
We are an interdisciplinary group of professional, young, dynamic, transparent, dedicated to
differentiate ourselves in the world of football, always emphasized ethics over all other values in
their work.
Our team also includes experts in marketing, finance, public relations, negotiation ,and legal
aspects, to cover a wide range of high-quality services.
We have great passion for the sport world and want to express it professionally in our business as
well as in yours. We believe that when work and passion are together, anything can be achieved.
Why Calcio 21
We achieved the best growth of our players represented, based on giving differential and
personalized treatment to them and their professional and family interests.
We look for the best opportunities for our players and clients, always according to their best
interest and welfare.
Through our network, we have the ability to generate contacts and build long term relationships
with the various stakeholders in the different markets to generate innovative opportunities in
increasingly challenging contexts
We differentiate ourselves on professionalism, humane treatment, dedication, transparency,
experience and unblemished track record in the market.
AFA Official Agent / FIFA ensuring support to the signing of contracts and negotiations.